solved by hartmannsyg
This is a pong game against a “perfect” AI.
I originally though of trying to get the ball velocity to be very high but the code more or less restricts that from happening. Instead, we had to make the ball position NaN
81 | // check if there has been a winner // server wins |
We have to fail both the ball[0] < 0
and ball[0] < 100
check. But since we can’t use an integer, we use NaN
NaN < 0 == False NaN < 100 == False |
Another thing about NaN is that any mathematical operations on NaN gives NaN:
NaN + 1 = NaN NaN - 1 = NaN NaN * 2 = NaN NaN / 2 = NaN NaN ** 2 = NaN |
We see how we can modify ball[0] such that it becomes NaN
71 | // update ball position ball[0] += ballV[0] * dt; ball[1] += ballV[1] * dt; |
we see that if we want ball[0]
is NaN, ballV[0]
has to be NaN
. We see that ballV is modified on collisions:
61 | // collision with user's paddle if (norm(sub(op, ball)) < collisionDist) { ballV = add(opV, mul(normalize(sub(ball, op)), 1 / norm(ballV))); } |
we can control opV
from our input paddleV
117 | opV = mul(normalize(paddleV), 2); |
41 | const norm = ([x, y]) => Math.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2); const normalize = (v) => mul(v, 1 / norm(v)); |
If we get v = [0, 0]
, norm(v) = 0
, and 1/norm(v)
will be NaN
, causing opV
to also be NaN
, which cascades down all the way to ball[0]
being NaN
and getting us the flag.
1 | const { WebSocket } = require('ws'); const ws = new WebSocket('ws://'); ws.on('error', console.error); ws.on('open', function open() {}); let ballPos ws.on('message', function message(data) { const o = JSON.parse(data.toString()); const type = o[0] if (type == 2) { console.log(o) return console.log('game ended') } ballPos = o[1][0] // console.log(ballPos) serverPos = o[1][1] }); let i = 0 setInterval(() => { if (!ballPos) return i++; let ourPos = [50, ballPos[1]] let v = [0, 0] ws.send(JSON.stringify([1, [ourPos, v]])); }, 50); |
[ 2, 'omg u won, i guess you considered getting better here is a flag: lactf{7_supp0s3_y0u_g0t_b3773r_NaNaNaN}', [ [ null, null ], [ 95, 0 ] ] ] |